The History of Percussion

Found Sounds
As stated earlier in many different areas of this site, percussion instruments are always being created. This picture is an example of what one can do with things at home to create a collage of timbres. The instrument at left is located in the National Music Museum: America's Shrine to Music, located on the campus of the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, SD. It belonged to the "Korn Kobblers" who were popular in the early to mid 1900's. The following video clips below require the Quicktime plugin for your browser. Most of these files are less than one meg in size. All of these clips were taken from Evelyn Glennie's website at

Exhaust pipes
This is a video of Evelyn Glennie playing a set of exahust pipes in a keyboard fashion. When mounted properly, the can produce a very nice ringing sound rich in harmonics and colors.

This is a video of Evelyn Glennie playing a set of vertically mounted tubes sometimes known as boobams. The mallets are actually paddles with a thick layer of foam as the playing surface. The picture here shows an NAU Percussionist playing a PVC-based set of boobams in preparation for a percussion ensemble concert.